Who is Alex Rosen Wiki, Bio, Latest Update, Net Worth, Family, Nationality, Instagram, Twitter & More Facts

Alice Wallin

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Who is Alex Rosen Wiki, Bio, Latest Update, Net Worth, Family, Nationality, Instagram, Twitter & More Facts

Known for his work uncovering child sex predators, 23-year-old independent journalist and anti-vaccine activist Alex Rosen was kicked out of a Hillary Clinton event after persistently probing her about Bill Clinton’s reported trips to Jeffrey Epstein’s island.

In order to expose adults engaging in improper behavior with youngsters, Rosen established Predator Poachers in 2019. He posted a video of security personnel removing him out of the event.

The event happened on October 27, during Hillary Clinton’s campaign for Democratic candidate Sheila Jackson Lee for mayor of Houston, Texas.

Alex Rosen can be heard asking, “Hey, Hillary,” loudly in a video from the event. Why did your spouse make 26 trips to Epstein Island?”

Unanswered, he walked to the platform and asked the same question again, shocking the assembled audience. The crowd erupted in jeers and chanted “Sheila” as reporters and security guards stepped in to break up the silence from Clinton.

Rosen was hauled from the gathering after that, arriving half naked and with a ripped shirt.

With more than a million views, the video received thousands of likes and shares. Rosen later said in a post, “I will never be quiet.”

He posted two pictures of himself: one with his pride shirt on, which was ripped off during the confrontation, and another with him giving the thumbs up as he was being taken out.

“There I was, just asking Hillary Clinton a straightforward question, when a crowd attacked me. Rosen said, “They dragged me across the burning carpet and ripped the pride shirt off of my body.”

In his comments, Alex Rosen alluded to the alleged friendship between former President Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein before the latter’s trial and demise in 2019.

Because of the suspected presence of underage females on the trips, Epstein’s conviction revealed that Bill had traveled on the former’s private plane, which was nicknamed the “Lolita Express,” on many occasions.

What Bill was doing aboard the plane is still a mystery. It was revealed, meanwhile, that Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s ex-girlfriend, had received an invitation to Chelsea Clinton’s wedding in July 2010.

Bill claimed that his use of the private plane was connected to the Clinton Foundation after Epstein passed away in 2019. On every part of every journey, he claimed to be escorted by Secret Service personnel, staff, and supporters of the charity.

In a different article, Rosen said, “Every single department is either going to say nothing or discourage it publicly, but we’ve seen that departments that discourage it publicly will work to prosecute our cases.”

The incident happened a few days after Hillary, in her capacity as chair of a panel discussion at Columbia University commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, addressed a far-left demonstrator.

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