Who is Megan Gaither? OnlyFans teacher wants to return to classroom, Latest Update

Alice Wallin

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Who is Megan Gaither? OnlyFans teacher wants to return to classroom, Latest Update

The Missouri high school teacher Megan Gaither, who was exposed as an OnlyFans performer last week and put on leave, wants to go back to teaching even though she acknowledges that some of her pupils could have viewed her X-rated material.

In only a few weeks, Megan Gaither, 31, became the second teacher at St. Clair High School to face suspension for maintaining an OnlyFans website.

The English instructor and varsity cheerleader said that she was put on leave after other staff members alerted the press that she had had sex with her former colleague and “best friend,” Brianna Coppage, on tape.

When St. Clair High School authorities discovered that Coppage, 28, and her husband were creating pornographic material on the subscription porn website, they suspended Coppage from the school last month.

“I am letting them do their inquiry and having the teachers’ union engaged since there is nothing in our contract that I have broken other than being a role model. Therefore, all I’m waiting for is the investigation’s findings and their thoughts,” Gaither said to The Post on Monday.

“Would it be strange, yes?,” she added of returning to teach kids, who have likely seen her risqué content.

“But I also know the level of the relationship I have with my students and the respect that I already have.”

Following her suspension, Coppage, an English teacher as well, resigned from her position as an instructor. She claims to have made $1 million on OnlyFans in the month following her departure.

But Gaither is determined to get back into the classroom.

“The truth is that they don’t have a trained instructor, even if they deserve one. She mentioned Coppage when she added, “Technically, they don’t have two now.”

Coppage acknowledges that they did not break their agreement, but she concluded that the content of her channel—which includes everything from solitary sexual activities to intense sexual activity—would make it too difficult for her to teach high school students again.

“A lot of people are saying ‘well this goes against the contract that they signed and teachers have a morality clause,’ and we don’t. We do not have a morality clause; I did not sign a contract stating I would not do something like this.”

Unaware of one another, the two married ladies began their forays into the sexual content industry in the spring to augment their pitiful teaching wages.

Gaither said, “Brianna and I didn’t know each other was doing it; it wasn’t something we started together.”

Coppage said that her motive for going fully online was “60% financial,” because she was trying to make ends meet on her $42,000 income.

“As we know, Missouri is one of the lowest-rated states in the United States for teacher’s pay and St. Clair school district is one of the lowest-paying districts, like, in our immediate area.”

In just several weeks, Coppage said she made 25 times her prior annual income — and flew to New York and Los Angeles for television appearances to promote the X-rated work she enjoys.

“It was never meant for students to see, they shouldn’t be seeing this, and like adults are still posting in the local Facebook group both mine and Megan’s stuff for kids to see, which is not appropriate,” Coppage said.

Gaither also launched her page in the spring, describing it as more conventional, in response to having to pay back $125,000 in student loans for her two master’s degrees.

Her salary as a cheerleading coach and honors English teacher is $47,500. She had earned about a quarter of that compensation since previous Friday.

We sort of, like, during a baseball game, I don’t know how it actually came up, we just looked at each other and were like, ‘You’re doing it aren’t you?,'” since we were really good friends. Gaither described it.

After her public scandal, the two got together for some “girl-on-girl” activity on Coppage’s channel after the secret was out.

Gaither acknowledged that the moment may be dangerous for her career, but since it was being videotaped “completely from behind,” she didn’t believe anybody would see her.

She claimed, “I just did it because we were having fun and I wanted to; I did not get any financial gain for it.”

Gaither was exposed after a photo of her at a party in the same attire as her sex scene was shared online.

“All it takes to be crucified in a small town like St. Clair is speculation,” said Gaither of the tiny community located 50 miles southwest of St. Louis.

She said that many in her hamlet of fewer than 5,000 people had long ago started to call her a “slut” because she wore sports attire to cheer practice and cosmetics to school.

“I’ve known for the last three years that certain members of the community dislike me because I’m a woman. Gaither said, “Last week was the hardest week of my life. I had practically no support, I was ostracized at work, and I have been slut-shamed.”

The English instructor said that her “passion” for teaching stems from her own schoolgirl years, when she would bring her schoolbag filled with her day’s lessons and show them to her stuffed animals on a blackboard at home.

Gaither said, “I have always loved reading and learning.”

Coppage states that she “definitely miss[es] my students and the moments that I shared with them,” demonstrating her same passion for education.

She did, however, acknowledge that her teaching days are ended.

Before starting her own company, the recently wealthy woman said that she planned to continue making porn for another five years.

A Monday request for comment about Gaither’s potential future job was not immediately answered by school district representatives.

The X-rated teacher, however, has some advise for anybody who jumps to conclusions about her.

“Mortality is a sliding scale. It is not appropriate to force your ideas of how someone should act and behave on another person. Just because you think something is immoral and against your code of conduct, does not mean that it is against the code of conduct of others,” Gaither said.

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