Who is Natasha Dach? Wiki, Bio, anti-semitic post, Latest Update

Alice Wallin

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Who is Natasha Dach? Wiki, Bio, anti-semitic post, Latest Update

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Public outcry has been triggered by contentious statements made by Natasha Dach on social media.
Regarding Dach’s remarks, Apple has not yet released a formal comment.
The continuing debate has become more difficult due to Dach’s presence in Istanbul.

Apple employee Natasha Dach has been under fire for comments she posted on social media recently that created a commotion and aroused public concerns.

German-born Dach, who now lives in Istanbul, Turkey, has drawn criticism for remarks he made that some find insulting.

Who is Natasha Dach?

Dach seems to make remarks in a string of divisive tweets that a lot of people found really unsettling. In an Instagram story, she touched on delicate subjects by referencing her German ancestry and her alleged knowledge of Jews. She said, “For the few zionists on my list who unfollowed me or intend to hahaha, u guys sometimes forget that I am a proud German! I am aware of your true identity: you are liars and thieves.

“You enter nations covertly, take people’s lives, livelihoods, houses, and streets, push, intimidate, and torment them.” And you label it as terrorism when people take action on it.

For centuries, you are doing this. All that you are capable of is invasion. This time, history will record that you are the only terrorists, she said.

These remarks, which were made public, have angered and criticized many, and many have written to Apple to voice their concerns.

Although Apple has not yet released an official statement on the matter, it is evident that the public disapproves of Dach’s comments. The business will probably come under pressure to resolve the matter and respond appropriately to the public’s outcry.

Recent protests and demonstrations over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have centered on Istanbul. The city has seen protests and gatherings in favor of the Palestinian cause, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been vocal in his disapproval of Israel.

Given that Istanbul has been in the forefront of international attention due to its position in conversations about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Dach’s presence there may make her opinions more scrutinized. It’s unclear how her location will factor into the continuing discussion about her actions, and how it would affect her standing at Apple and her reputation in the industry as a whole.

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