officer in West Yorkshire who arrested an autistic girl for saying she looks like a Lesbian Nana

Alice Wallin

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officer in West Yorkshire who arrested an autistic girl for saying she looks like a Lesbian Nana

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Remember the police officer in West Yorkshire who arrested an autistic girl for saying she looked like Lesbian Nana?

He had a mental breakdown yesterday and started shouting and pepper-spraying the crowd in Leeds.

The mother of a girl arrested for saying a police officer looked like her gay grandmother has said he was the same officer seen on video pepper-spraying a crowd at a row in Leeds.

The unnamed mum posted on TikTok: ‘Well if she’s not the original lesbian granny’ she’s surrounded by a crowd of people.

The original video went viral after being posted on X (formerly Twitter) by YappApp, which claimed that ‘three officers suffered minor injuries’ during the incident, while ‘two men were arrested… suspected of offences, including assaulting police officers’.

This follows an incident in August where an autistic teenager was dragged from her home by seven police officers after a female officer told her she was a ‘nana lesbian’.

The teenager’s mother claims this female officer is the same one last seen in the video and is under investigation after being referred to the Professional Standards Directorate.

But MailOnline was unable to confirm whether the officer was the same officer and West Yorkshire Police declined a request for comment.

Posted Video

The mother posted video of chaotic scenes on Third Street in Rothwell after a large crowd gathered around police on Sunday, October 22, with the caption: ‘Okay, okay. Unless the original #lesbian #nanna herself’.

In her post, she claims that ‘I was told that this officer was suspended after dragging my autistic daughter from our home.’

At the time of the incident in August, the woman’s 16-year-old daughter, who also suffers from the spinal disability scoliosis, was taken by officers to her home in Leeds, West Yorkshire, after allegedly attending Gay Pride celebrations in the city with her sister. She made a ‘homophobic’ statement.

The woman, who was later arrested on suspicion of ‘homophobic public order violation’, was dragged away ‘screaming’ by West Yorkshire Police officers in the early hours of the morning.

Footage of the incident filmed by the girl’s mother went viral on TikTok, with police officers accused of rude behavior and leaving the girl cowering under the stairs in her own home.

The young man, whose name was not disclosed, was released after being detained for 20 hours after the incident. The force later confirmed it would not take further action against the teenager and released him on bail.

In a statement to X following the latest images in Leeds, West Yorkshire Police said: ‘West Yorkshire Police is aware of images circulating on social media of Third Street in Rothwell on Sunday afternoon (22/10).

He added: ‘The matter is being investigated and body worn images are currently being reviewed.’

Footage of the incident shows the police getting into a physical fight with a man next to a red car parked on the street.

A police officer suddenly began firing what appeared to be pepper spray into the angry crowd while shouting ‘get back now’. He then appears to spray one man’s face, then unleash another blast on another.

The same officer continues to yell ‘get back’ over and over before someone else intervenes to help.

The man filming the ensuing chaos can be heard saying: ‘What are you doing, little puppet?’. The camera then turns to another officer and the same person asks: ‘What are you doing?’

More police then step in to bring the situation under control as they create a line that prevents the crowd from advancing down the street.

The man filming asks someone: ‘Did you see what he just did to his wife?’

Others asked ‘who was arrested?’ he can be heard asking. and insisting that ‘that kid did nothing wrong’ while a police dog can be heard barking in the background.

Later in the video, as the situation descends into even more chaos, more police vans can be seen arriving.

One man later explains: ‘He dragged her out of his car and started pepper spraying everyone.’

The police officer sprayed the crowd and shouted “get out of the way immediately” and then pushed a woman onto the pavement.

Police eventually took control of the situation after the crowd dispersed and numerous police cars were seen on the side of the street.