Who is Ori Megidish, Israeli Female Soldier Released By Hamas?

Alice Wallin

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Who is Ori Megidish, Israeli Female Soldier Released By Hamas?

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  • An Israeli soldier who had been held captive in the Gaza Strip was freed.
  • Ori Megidish was abducted by Hamas and freed during a ground operation.
  • A picture of Megidish was provided by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office.

The Israeli military said on Monday that a female soldier who had been held captive in the Gaza Strip had been successfully released. This operation was conducted inside Hamas-controlled Palestinian territory.

Who is Ori Megidish?

Ori Megidish, the soldier in question, had been captured on October 7 by Hamas. The army verified that she had a medical test after being freed, that she is well, and that she has been reunited with her family. Megidish was flanked by her family in a picture released by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office, commemorating her safe homecoming.

The Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas produced a short video on Monday in reaction to the Israeli military’s ground and aerial strikes becoming more intense. Three of the around 230 captives that Israel claims were taken by Hamas during their violent raid on October 7 are seen in the film. One of the ladies in the video, seated between the other two prisoners, sends a passionate message directly to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. She berates him for not being able to stop Hamas’ onslaught and for not being able to get the prisoners released.

These three people are the only ones seen in the film, and it’s not obvious how much the lady speaking offered her testimony voluntarily or if Hamas had any impact on it.

The lady delivering the message is Daniel Aloni, who was kidnapped on October 7 while visiting relatives in Kibbutz Nir Oz, the site of a horrific assault by Hamas. She was also accompanied by her daughter. She addresses Netanyahu first in her speech, saying, “You pledged to liberate us all. Rather, we are the ones who must pay for your military and political failings.

Aloni makes reference to an undisclosed “error” committed by Israel’s leaders on October 7, the day Hamas terrorists attacked southern Israel, killing and capturing over 200 people, according to Israeli officials. She doesn’t clarify what exactly this “mistake” is in her remark.

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