Who is Zaki Masoud? NYU Hospital Physician, Wiki, Bio, calls Jews massacre a libration

Alice Wallin

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Zaki Masoud

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Concerns are raised by Zaki Masoud’s contentious social media remark that comes as Israeli soldiers step up their operations in the Gaza Strip.
UN adopts resolution urging Gaza to observe a humanitarian ceasefire

In light of the intensification of the Israeli war, a social media post from a physician at NYU Hospital raises concerns over medical impartiality.

Who is Zaki Masoud?

A disturbing social media post was posted by Zaki Masoud, a doctor at NYU Langone Winthrop Hospital, on October 7. He described a horrifying incident that occurred in Israel as a “liberation. Resistance. Revolution” in the post.

Many people expressed worry about the message he was conveying after this comment caused significant criticism. Numerous people were injured in the aforementioned tragedy, and there were also violent crimes, such as murders, assaults, and arson.

Patients who identify as Jewish, especially those with Israeli ancestry, have voiced concerns about receiving medical treatment from Dr. Masoud. The article raised issues about the influence of individual beliefs on the medical field as well as the need for physicians to continue practicing objectivity and compassion in their treatment of patients.

As the matter develops, it is unclear how the hospital and relevant authorities would handle these accusations. In the medical field, upholding professional ethics and providing impartial treatment to all patients are essential. Further information on the occurrence and its potential consequences can come from investigations.

Recent increases in Israeli air and ground operations in Gaza have resulted in clashes with terrorists affiliated with Hamas. A resolution requesting assistance access to Gaza and a humanitarian cease-fire has received the support of the UN General Assembly. But the conflict is still complicated, and worries about its wider effects on the region persist. The world is keeping a close eye on the situation and is still making attempts to find a peaceful conclusion.

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