Who is Frances Hamed? College graduate helps tear down posters of kidnapped Israelis

Alice Wallin

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Who is Frances Hamed? College graduate helps tear down posters of kidnapped Israelis

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With experience in both the New York State Assembly and the New York City Council, Frances Macalimbon Hamed
She has actively participated in community service.
She has given her time and energy to her community’s local mutual help groups.

In the NYC area near Hunter College, Frances Ahmed was seen assisting a lady in tearing down posters depicting Jewish infants abducted.

Who is Frances Hamed?

As a Jeannette K. Watson Fellow, Frances Macalimbon Hamed offers a plethora of expertise from her positions in the New York State Assembly and the New York City Council, where she has actively participated in public service. She has also given her time and energy to neighborhood mutual assistance groups in her town, demonstrating her dedication to having a good influence at the local level.

Posters depicting “kidnapped” individuals, created by Israeli street artists, have grown more common in public areas throughout the US, Western Europe, and other places in the weeks after the Middle East crisis began. These posters are available to anybody with an internet connection; they may be printed out and put up on lampposts, shuttered businesses, and subway entrances.

The act of hanging these posters has taken on an activist quality, acting as a way to maintain public awareness of the over 200 people kidnapped by Hamas.

On the other hand, the removal of these posters has quickly become a unique form of protest, serving as both a catalyst and a release for people who are deeply disturbed by what they believe to be the mistreatment of Palestinians by the Israeli government, both in the years preceding October 7 and since the start of the Gaza bombings.

Some people who were witnessed tearing down the posters have received public rebuke on social media. As a consequence, among others, a dentist in Boston and a person in South Florida have lost their employment.

While opponents of the posters have labeled them as wartime propaganda, those who oppose their removal have been accused of being antisemitic and lacking in fundamental compassion. These disagreements, which are acting as a stand-in for the life-or-death struggle in the Middle East, are getting closer to becoming violent.

One of the poster artists, Nitzan Mintz, found it astonishing that their campaign went viral so quickly. She feels that seeing individuals demolish these posters has exposed blatant antisemitic incidents. “Unintentionally, this campaign accomplished more than just increasing public awareness of the kidnapped individuals,” she said. It revealed the extent of the animosity aimed at our neighborhood.

These altercations around the posters demonstrate a combination of traditional, hands-on conflict resolved with paper and tape and a contemporary element, since social media has the ability to escalate localized disputes into global crises. In recent days, pictures of people taking these placards apart have gone viral on the internet.

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