Who is Ivonne del Valle? Students Protest Suspension of Professor, Wiki, Bio, Background

Alice Wallin

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Who is Ivonne del Valle? Students Protest Suspension of Professor, Wiki, Bio, Background

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There was a delay in the USC-Cal football game on Saturday afternoon at Berkeley due to a group of students from UC Berkeley.
The gathering seemed to be opposing a faculty member at Cal’s suspension.
Students on the field supported a professor who is now on paid administrative leave by wearing shirts that said “Justice 4 Ivonne.”

A group of UC Berkeley students staged a protest, locking arms and sitting on the Cal emblem in the middle of the field, delaying the start of the USC-Cal football game on a Saturday afternoon in Berkeley.

Students on the field were carrying shirts with the slogan “Justice 4 Ivonne,” seemingly in support of a Cal faculty member who is now facing suspension. This note served as a show of support for a professor who has been placed on paid administrative leave.

A separate group of Cal students had marched to California Hall back in August, calling for the reinstatement of UC Berkeley colonial studies professor Ivonne del Valle. After the university conducted an inquiry and determined that Professor del Valle was guilty of persistently harassing, stalking, and retaliating against Joshua Clover, a professor of English and Comparative Literature at UC Davis, the professor has purportedly been on leave since 2019. It was also discovered that she had disobeyed instructions that forbade her from getting in touch with him.

Cal wanted to go back to a.500 win-loss record for the season as they were ready to play USC. Notable is also the Bears’ planned transfer to the ACC beginning in 2019.

Who is Ivonne del Valle?

Ivonne del Valle, an associate professor at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, is now working on two research projects, according to the organization’s website. The first study explores the complex history of Mexico City’s lake draining, which began in 1607 and continued until the Porfiriato period, although other viewpoints imply that the process was continuous. Her research focuses on how technology, religion, culture, and government interact as it is used by the Mexicas, the Spanish empire, and the Mexican people to handle the hydrographic and climatic problems of Mexico City.

In her second study, she investigates how new political ideas and epistemologies have evolved as a result of colonization of the Americas starting in the 15th century. Her research aims to explore how important theoretical, technical, and epistemological innovations arose from the exceptional brutality connected to conquest and colonization, as well as the need of efficient colonial administration. These changes were first intended to be implemented in the colonies, but over time they also changed how Europe saw itself and its social structure.

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